Monday, September 04, 2006

Crazy Artist

I am the one who sites among the chaos
Connects to ancient randomness
Takes joy, sees the all
She spreads her limbs
And flies on the seat of her pants
We are the grandmothers
Who have always been with you
We laugh for our sustanence
Make faces, act silly
We cannot cry all the time
For, with every tear
There is a laugh, a chuckle
Also wating for expression
We teach you to go on breathing
Relax, smile
Let in the light
Be the laughter
I am the one
Who is daughter of crazywoman
Silly grandmothers

Holding the Light

I am the One
who Is the Light
I am the One
Who holds the light
Gently teaching,
Showing the way of our mothers
Matriarcle Ancestors
Guidance and wisdom
Awesome delight
Awareness of our regal lineage
I am the water, universal consciousness
From which all things flow
I am the solid rock
Fooundation and balance
Soul of all creation
Earthy substance, solid stone
Water, stone, light, dark
Amazing balance
Sisters, Mothers, Daughters
Great Grandmothers, Great Granddaughters
Showing the way
Honoring the mystery

The Protector

I am the one
Who is bearer of the Light
Holds the torch to show the way
To lead the people to the light
The Mother's light directs me
Guides me to show the way
I am the one who soars above
My eagle eyes see beyond
I am keen, I am clear
I am fiercely protective
I am the one, appearing soft
But wielding the ax
Protecting the messenger
Protecting the message
I am the one, tough and resilient
My masculine self
Neither sticks, nor stones...
Nor harshly barbed arrows
Penetrate, abuse, nor abate
The purpose, the Mission
Of the Light Bearer

Ancient Sister

My Ancient Sister Marta
Is calling me to go deeper
Just when I felt
Freedom in the light
She beacons from the portal
Yet another journey
Past the phoney pretties
Flowers blooming glorius
Chaos finally falling away
My vision is clearing
My sisters and mothers hanging there
Their stories fermenting
Fertilizing and nurshing
Wanting to be told
To realize their fateful purpose
Birthing and Creating
Circling, birthing, dying
Rebirthing, dying, birthing
The circle continues
Aware or not
Birth and death.

The Lost Child

I am the lost child
devoured and consumed
mourned for and lost
faded away
numbed out
gone, but not forever
because I’m really pissed off inside!