Wednesday, July 22, 2009


These cards almost created themselves last Saturday at Peggy Black's Collage Class. Please leave me your comments.
Do you feel the energy of each card?
What does it bring up for you?
What do the images or backgrounds represent?

Thank you,
Blessings, Chris

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am the One who Listens to the Ancient Ones

She hears my calling
Connected to ancient roots
We are truly one

I am the One who Joyfull Holds the World

With great joy and love
She embraces the whole world
Peace and joy abound

I am the One who Holds the Space

Am I part of you
Wise woman with gentle heart
Holding space for all

I am the One who Tends the Path

Grace on bended knee
Tending to the earthly path
Enlightenment soon

I am the One who Prays in the Morning

Lifting hearts upward
In the quiet morning dew
Goddess hears me pray